By Unknown Kamis, 19 Maret 2015 health articles Danger lump in the neck The neck of my right there was a lump but small and can be moved, when I hold the lump could be shifted under the skin layer. this time I d...
By Unknown Senin, 16 Maret 2015 health articles restrictions for people with cholesterol Cholesterol is a molecule found in the cell . A type of lipid or fat molecules like it . High levels of cholesterol in the body to trigger t...
By Unknown Senin, 02 Maret 2015 health articles Penyebab wasir pada ibu hamil Beberapa ibu hamil alami ambeien saat melakukan sistem kehamilan. Penyakit yang juga dimaksud wasir ini dikira lumrah pada ibu hamil. Pasal...